5th April 2011


Today’s morning, we do  the presentation about body paragraph. My group consisting of Afiqah, Salbiah, Salihah, Hafizah and me. This is my group’s essay. Our group do the rhetorical question.

                Racism is one of the world’s major issues today. Do you aware of how much racism still exists in our school, work forces, and anywhere social lives? Racism very much exists and it is about time that people need to start thinking about the solutions to this matter. Can we achieve One Malaysia’s mission with this kind of mind set? Think about it. Many people believe that it depends on if a person was brought into the world as a racist or not but that is not the case at all. In fact, an individual cannot be born a racist but only learn to become one as they grow from child to adulthood. Institutions, government, and anti racism group in Malaysian’s past history are the possible solutions to racism.

One of the solutions of the racism is Education Institution should emphasize the civic subject starting from primary school. The objective of learning civic subject of school is to inculcate a mutual respect towards each other regardless of race, religion and culture.They can know about others culture in term of foods, festivals, religions and their traditional clothes.Thus, they have to apply what they have learnt in civic subject in daily life in order to prevent racism.

The other solution of racism is government should take apart to integrate the community in Malaysia. Government has set a date on September 16 as One Malaysia Day to unite all communities.They should provide activities and campaigns that involving all ethnics group. The examples of activities that held by government in One Malaysia Day are ‘gotong -royong’, ‘Senam Seni Malaysia’, Festivals and many more.Therefore, they have to join the activities to support One Malaysia Day to decrease the percentage of racism in Malaysia.

 Anti-racism group is the other solution for racism .They established to take care of the problem of racism and promote culture development by individual who are concern with the matter involved. They also seek to build the communities centered on equality of social status, equality and mutual understanding without comparative towards all the ethnic. Hence, existence of anti-racism group in Malaysia would avoid the discrimination among the races.

 In conclusion, institution, government and anti-racism group are the solutions to prevent racism. Without these solutions, Malaysian will face a severe crisis of racism and riots against other races. So, all the Malaysians need to inculcate the spirit of One Malaysia to lives in harmony in one unity.

The end of the class, Miss Zu says that our class do a good essay....


At night, we do graphic organizer for interpreting writer’s point of view, attitudes or intentions. We learn about the writers tones.
For examples, abstruse, absurd, ambivalent, angry, apathetic, mocking, cynical, nostalgic, objective, optimistic, malicious, pessimistic, excited, and other else.
Answering the answer below will help you in analyzing the writer’s intention:-p
J What is the tone of the writer?
J What are the writer’s point of view/beliefs on the issue?
J Who is the writer?
J Who is the intended audience?
J What is the statement of purpose/thesis statement?
J What is the titles, headings, boldface, italics suggest?
J What are being highlighted in the introductory and concluding paragraphs?
We also do a game which was to find out the writer’s tone, writers intention, target audience and the words or phrases used.